Oh No They Didn’t …

Oh yes. They did.

The court has granted a stay. So Doug Ford ( I cannot bring myself to refer to him as Premier) gets his way. The Not Withstanding clause is now trivialized to something serving Doug Ford, to make the Ontario he wants to have. Not one for the people who have to live with it.

Have we not been watching the theatrics unfold south of the border? Did we not already experience being a global butt of the joke as Ford Nation?

Fair warning. Don’t underestimate this Ford. He is going after the deck and made his move because he knew we weren’t looking. He is not afraid to take risks or go to far because he. Does. Not. Care. Public opinion is irrelevant.

He plays a mean numbers game though. Which is what the power play for Toronto City Council is all about. Whittling it down to a controllable size and ensuring the outcome will again be in his favour following the upcoming municipal elections.

We’ve only just begun … 😞