
My name is Cheryl Biswas. I’m a mom, I’m proudly Canadian, and I work in cyber security where I love to connect the dots. All the dots. My “aha” moment came in university when I discovered Political Science. The world opened up in ways I had never imagined, and I’ve been exploring those pathways ever since. World affairs, organized crime, international security – all became the grist for my creative mill, the jumping off point where I could ask “What if…” Because there are so many stories waiting to be told. I explore the connections, and try to see past what’s obvious. Maybe look beyond the curve.

I was that kid who always knew something lurked in the closet, or under the bed, and likely both were in league. Because security is a mindset – my 4th grade speech on protecting yourself from vampires actually won.  For me, the journey is the destination because I love doing the research, learning what I can and falling down rabbit holes. What I discover is fascinating, at times  terrifying, and often moving. For me, it’s more than just telling a good story. It’s the chance to shine a light into the shadows, and reveal what hides there.  “May you live in interesting times” as the saying goes. I haven’t had a dull moment. Glad you stopped by!

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