This Week’s Pulse Check

Well, Hell hasn’t frozen over officially, but a whole lot of people are being asked to answer for what happened on Tuesday night, as America elected a new president. Yes, prepare for a new world order.  Everybody is affected by the election results that put The Donald in charge. Apparently  brass crass “Trumps” educated elitism. Things definitely did NOT go according to plan.

Now that the dust is settling, political pundits have been replaced by some sombre admissions of what really happened. There is a message in this we all need to hear, because we should have heard it earlier.  America has spoken, but it is the America all but forgotten, brushed aside, hidden. These are the people who live near, at or below poverty in rural areas, where opportunity just isn’t. Where so many broken promises now fall on deaf ears. Pre-election stats had the educated voters at almost 50%. Somebody didn’t do their homework thoroughly enough however; the census shows that as only 1/3 of eligible voters.  And then there was the Latino vote, and understanding concentrations and issues better.

Given the results, I wouldn’t put much stock in any contingency plans. Trump, unlike his new-found fan Putin, is not so much a strategist as a juggernaut capable of veering wildly off course when least expected.  That is not going to bode well for domestic or foreign policy in the months ahead. But as has already been evidenced by the rapid outpouring of congratulations and support, it holds great appeal to certain nations who have been waiting for this moment, when America trips over itself. These are early days still, and we can hope that Trump has surrounded himself by others wiser and more fit to execute their delegated duties. The problem is, how and when Trump abruptly change course and intervene, as he is want to do?